Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Your Ultimate Uplevel

    2. Workbook

    1. Desires - Emily Williams

    2. Feminine Archetypes - Mel Wells

    3. Inner Critic and Hot Seat Coaching - Christine Hassler

    1. Introduction

    2. That Sucked Now What - Neeta Bhushan

    3. Saying It Out Loud - Vasavi Kumar

    4. Elevating the Business of You - James Williams

    1. Introduction

    2. Money Mindset - Emily Williams

    3. Inner Child Work - Monika Zands

    4. Healing Your Body - Skip Kelly

    5. Next Steps Invitation

    6. Closing Ceremony - Amber Valdez

    7. Final Quote - Emily Williams

    1. Meet Emily Williams

    2. Meet James Williams

    3. Meet Dr. Neeta Bhushan

    4. Meet Mel Wells

    5. Meet Monika Zands

    6. Meet Christine Hassler

    7. Meet Vasavi Kumar

    8. Meet Amber Valdez

    1. Work with Emily

About this course

  • $197.00
  • 25 lessons
  • 15 hours of video content


“The Ultimate Uplevel Virtual Retreat is a 3 day event that is jampacked with amazing content. So much so that I had to add additional pages to my workbook because there were so many juicy nuggets of wisdom and useful information that I’m still processing days later by rewatching the replays! The guest speakers gave their all in the masterclasses interacting with the participants in an authentic and heartfelt way helping us to have huge breakthroughs through-out the event. From practical sessions in breathwork and guided mediation to money mindset, goal setting, manifesting with clear intentions and tapping into you potential and much more. I dug deep and discovered my core values and made peace with my inner critic to help prevent self-sabotage. I gained clarity on my big picture desires and the tools to break down my goals into actionable steps. This is not just another 3-day course, this is the first 3 days of the beginning of your transformational journey guided by IHML. I can’t recommend the Virtual Retreat highly enough!”

Natalie Riede

“When my job in corporate HR concluded at the end of 2022, I stepped into the new year with a lot of uncertainty but also a sense that my life was meant for more - even though I didn't know what that looked like yet. Then the virtual online retreat presented itself to me and I knew immediately that this was the stepping stone that I needed to get the clarity that I was looking for. And clarity I received! Within the first session and with Emily's supportive guidance on setting goals, I uncovered untapped dreams and gifts within me, which have enabled me to take confident action in a new direction as a writer, teacher and speaker. I finally feel like I can move towards making my desires a reality, all thanks to Emily & James' incredible event and I am so excited for what the future holds!”

Tégan Dean

Discover your potential, starting today